8 Key Steps To Successful Hiring
I disagree with most of what has been written about how to hire the right employees for a job. To put my comments in perspective, I am sharing my 25 years of real life experience hiring and managing up to 50 employees at a time. There are 8 things to consider when hiring if you […]
Can You Save a Life by Doing This One Simple Thing?
The Mental Health of your employees is something you need to be aware of before it becomes an obvious issue that results in conflict or self destruction. If you are listening, your employees mention problems they are having in their personal life. The immediate easiest solution is to blow them off by a flippant comment […]
Is Life Really This Hard Or Am I Making It This Difficult?
Every day it seems like there are more problems, fewer solutions, less money and more stress. Keeping a positive attitude is not easy when you are on the “lack” side of things. Pessimists always get a bad rap. Is that because what they say is too hard to hear? There is a fine line between […]
Imagination Is The Key to Successful Accomplishment
When my daughter was 8 years old she wanted to join girl scouts. There was no one available to lead the group. I happily volunteered. The girls were big on earning badges, requiring frequent field trips; i.e. a lot of driving. The girls knew I would drive them anywhere, however, there was one caveat. There […]