DC# K842426 – Click To View
(This machine is listed by the FDA as a class II medical device. Allied Associates, INC. is the name of my first company)
Dimensions: 2’ wide by 6’ long (the range of motion from left to right requires 6’4″)
Room Size: 6’4” wide by 9’ deep
Amps: 6.5
The lower half of the Side-to-Side Machine moves from left to right. The upper portion remains stationary. The patient lies supine with dorsal lumbar at the union of the two machine pieces. A lateral flexion, alternating left and right sides, is experienced by the patient. Increased trunk flexibility and blood circulation benefit the patient.
A variable speed control mechanism allows the therapist a selection in the number of revolutions the patient will experience per minute. The speed can be reduced to as low as one RPM.